Coming to the Blog this July!
It's almost time to set off the fireworks and I have some super exciting things planned for July! In addition to the July #BookRave (featuring THE DISAPPEARANCES, EDGE OF CHAOS, AND EDGE OF BLISS), I'll be posting interviews with incredible debut YA authors, Emily Bain Murphy and Amanda Foody, as well as a series of Q&A's with 2017 Pitch Wars mentors! Check out the upcoming posts for giveaway information, writing tips, and some of the mentors talking about the #amwriting life and what they're looking for in a mentee.

To learn more about specific titles, click on the links below and add them to your Goodreads list now!
Thursday, July 6 — Emily Bain Murphy and THE DISAPPEARANCES
Wednesday, July 12 - Friday, July 14 — July #BookRave
Wednesday, July 26 — Amanada Foody and DAUGHTER OF THE BURNING CITY
(starting) Wednesday, July 19 — A series of Q&A's with 2017 Pitch Wars mentors
