Accountability + Your Writing Goal = #ChanceChallenge

While the calendar still says summer, fall is in the air. It's been crisp here in Northern Virginia and this time of year always makes me want to hunker down and write (preferably with a hot cup of coffee and a few autumn candles burning on my desk!). I have a couple of projects I'm working on right now that I'm really excited about, and I'm even more excited to tackle them during #ChanceChallenge!
For those who may be unaware, #ChanceChallenge kicks off today. It's a NaNoWriMo-esque writing challenge started by YA author, Kim Chance (who also happens to be my writer wife and #CPlove! ), and the great thing about this challenge is that it allows you to create your own writing goal. It doesn't have to be 50K like Nano—it can be anything! Revise/edit 300 pages. Write 20 chapters. Draft 10K or more on that shiny new idea that's been brewing in the back of your head! All goals are welcome and will be cheered on using the #ChanceChallenge tag, the corresponding forum on Kim's website, and through myWriteClub (where writer buddies can keep track of each other's goals).
#ChanceChallenge isn't just about hitting your target—it's about fostering the support, community, and accountability to help you get there.
Interested in joining the challenge? Check out these steps!
Start off by reading the #ChanceChallenge: September Writing Challenge blog post on Kim's site. IT TELLS YOU EVERYTHING!
Create a free account on myWriteClub and set up a goal for the challenge. This site is simple, but effective in helping you keep track of your target and find writer buddies who will cheer you on every time you update your goal. And Kim will be hosting live writing sprints through myWriteClub as well!
Join the #ChanceChallenge Forum on Kim's website. Use this space to introduce yourself and your project/goal for the challenge, and be sure to share your myWriteClub handle so that people can cheer you on as you update your project!

Hope to see some of you over on #ChanceChallege! And if you feel like following Kim and I over on myWriteClub (which you totally should!), you can find our accounts/goals here: @kimwritesbooks and @MeganWriteNow.